How To Use Photoscissors?

 Photoscissors is a software tool that allows you to easily cut out an object or person from a photo and paste it onto a new background. This is a great way to create professional-looking images for your website, social media pages, or personal projects. In this article, we will go over the steps of How To Use Photoscissors.

Step 1: Download and Install Photoscissors

To begin, you will need to download and install Photoscissors on your computer. The software can be downloaded from the official website, and installation is a simple process that will guide you through the process. Once you have installed Photoscissors, you can open the software and begin working on your image.

Step 2: Open your image

Once Photoscissors is open, you can open your image by going to File > Open or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O. Once your image is open, you will see the image in the main editing window.

Step 3: Select the object or person you want to cut out

To select the object or person you want to cut out, you will need to use the Lasso tool. The Lasso tool is located in the toolbar on the left side of the screen. To use the Lasso tool, click and drag around the object or person you want to cut out the image. As you drag, you will see a red line appearing around the object or person. Once you have selected the entire object or person, you can release the mouse button.

Step 4: Cut out the object or person

Once you have selected the object or person, you can cut it out by going to Image > Cut or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X. This will remove the object or person from the original image and place it onto a new layer. You can now see the object or person on a transparent background.

Step 5: Paste the object or person onto a new background

With the object or person on a new layer, you can now paste it onto a new background. To do this, you will need to open the new background image by going to File > Open or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O. Once the new background image is open, you can drag the object or person layer onto the new background image.

Step 6: Adjust the object or person

Once you have pasted the object or person onto the new background, you may need to adjust the position or size of the object or person. To do this, you can use the Move tool, which is located in the toolbar on the left side of the screen. The Move tool allows you to move the object or person around the new background. You can also use the Scale tool to adjust the size of the object or person.

Learn More: How to cut out an image in photoshop with pen tool

Step 7: Saving your work

Once you are happy with your image, you can save your work by going to File > Save or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S. If you wish to save your work as a new file, go to File > Save As, and select the file format you prefer.

In conclusion, Photoscissors is a powerful software tool that allows you to easily cut out an image or person from a photo and paste it onto a new background. With a little practice, you will be able to master this technique and create professional-looking images in no time. Remember to keep in mind the above step-by-step guide and to practice regularly to achieve better results. Photoscissors is a great solution for those who want to create professional-looking images without having to be a professional in graphic design.

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